Tambour Battant receive financial support
from the following organizations:
Since 2000, Tambour Battant has worked in partnership with the following organization:
The CLAPEST Strasbourg
The Association of Children and Prevention of Colmar
The Friendly Association Jules Verne Kunheim
The OPAL Strasbourg
The General Association of Families of Selestat
Socio-Cultural Centre in Val d'Argent in Sainte Marie aux Mines
The Community of Communes of France Rhine South Gate
Intercommunal Association of the Hanau
Tambour Battant has received technical or financial support from the following organizations:
Region Alsace, The General Council of Bas-Rhin
DDTEFP Bas-Rhin, DRAC Alsace
The School Inspectorate of Bas-Rhin, L'OGACA
The Agency Europe Education Training FRANCE