Tambour Battant was founded in the year 2000. The association's objective is the promotion of culture. To achieve this goal, we have three main activities:

  1. "Discovering and opening up to other cultures" through international mobility (exchanges, volunteering, training) to promote intercultural learning and youth integration.
  2. "Access to culture and art for all" to help disadvantaged individuals access cultural and artistic activities and events.
  3. "Culture and sustainable development," raising awareness about sustainable development applied to artistic and cultural activities and events.

It is a non-profit organization, not subject to VAT. Registered in the Associations Register on May 3, 2000, Volume 78, Folio No. 128.

Its purpose is to promote the arts and cultures, foster intercultural and intergenerational dialogue through international mobility, develop access to art and culture for all, promote active citizenship through artistic expression, and use art as a stepping stone for integration and education.

Siret Number (Headquarters): 43169588100018 PIC Number: 949249276 / Siren Number: 431695881 APE Code: 913 E / NAF: 9499Z

SVE Accreditation: 2012-FR-102 New SVE Accreditation: 2018-1-FR02-ESC52-015498

License for the operation of shows, Category 2, License No. 2-1050909 License for the operation of shows, Category 3, License No. 3-1050910 Organization registered under number 42 67 04566 67 from the prefect of the Alsace region on May 3, 2000.