We organize, upon request, concerts featuring African percussion, jazz, and musical storytelling.
We collaborate with the Juan Gandán orchestra.

The Juan Gandán orchestra is a group dedicated to Latin music lovers who enjoy celebration and dance. They will captivate you with the sounds of Latin rhythms.
We also collaborate with "The Clockmakers." The Clockmakers is a band formed in 2012, centered around the compositions and lyrics of Melanie, who handles vocals and trombone. Passionate about the 1960s, her influences from Soul, Rocksteady, Ska, and Rock are reflected in her energetic songs, thanks to a rhythm section of rockers and two members of the brass section from Los Tres Puntos!
We also work with the duo Pat Babou
And the storyteller Christine TRAUTMANN.
Additionally, we collaborate with the storyteller Sylvie ALAZARD.